Mission Statement...We are a Catholic family, living our awareness of Christ’s presence through worship, service, evangelization and community for the benefit of all.
Want to share your faith more and help others grow in faith?
Catechists echo the Word of God to our parish children. They come from all walks of life and all ages. Catechists are not expert teachers or brilliant theologians. They are ordinary people who generously volunteer their time to share our Catholic faith. Are you seeking a way to share your faith, time and talents with others? St. Thomas Religious Education department .... needs you!
Volunteers are needed as:
Catechists (teachers)
Office and resource support
Safety (door/hall) monitors
Special retreat/event help
You don’t have to have a child in our program to volunteer! We encourage all adults to prayerfully consider whether this ministry is right for you. We will provide training and support along the way.
The Diocese of Rockford requires voluteers to complete a registration process. Please contact the RE office for more information. Scroll down the page to view options offered by the Diocese for your professional faith development as a catechist. Below find resource for use in the classroom as well.