Mission Statement...We are a Catholic family, living our awareness of Christ’s presence through worship, service, evangelization and community for the benefit of all.
Faith Formation for Children Pre-School age through Grade 6
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish is proud to offer options for our families to participate, finding the best 'fit' for their student and family.
-Our more traditional RE Program meets weekly on Wednesdays at 4:30 pm, with students in classrooms by grade.
-We also offer a Family Faith option that meets twice per month on Wednesday Evenings at 6:00 pm and dinner is included. Family Faith is designed to empower parents in their important job of raising children in a creative and fun format.
-You may also choose a Home Study Option. When registering you can pick which instructional format you prefer.
If you have questions about registration or special needs, please don't hesitate to contact us at 815-455-9787. RE Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM / Friday 9am - Noon/Other times by appointment.
(Registration for Grade 7 and Confirmation may be found on the Youth Ministry Page.)
Volunteer - if you would like to volunteer please fill out this form.